Thursday, October 8, 2015

Getting back to my me…

After my break up, I dealt with lots of confusion and frustration. I was so confused about the relationship and frustrated about how it ended. There was a brief reconciliation and we fell apart again. I am sure it was for the best. I was still frustrated with myself. I wanted to be over it and emotionally that took longer than it needed. I partially blame birth control pills for that. That progesterone is not joke. I spent plenty of my newfound free time reflecting on my choices,  who I am as a person and how to get back to the person I was before the relationship started. But that last part felt wrong. Why did I need to go find myself again? I wasn’t a horrible person. I didn’t change myself for that other person. I would like to think he was interested in who I was without any extra bells or whistles. I remembered, before the relationship, I was working on being better. That never stopped. I remembered how much I enjoy my own company. I continued to enjoy time spent with family and friends. I never lost anything. I didn’t stop growing as a person. There’s nothing I need to get back. I’m where I need to be.