Saturday, March 22, 2014

To: the world

I don’t like labels. However I realized today (and by that I mean a while ago but I’m ready to share now) if I had to choose a label, I would be the black Grace. I am of course referring to the quirky, clumsy, redheaded, loveable character from Will and Grace. My new found title wouldn’t fit me perfectly, that would be the impossible, but it gives a great description of a large part of my life. I like to think of myself and my amazing gay roommate as the black Will and Grace. I fully acknowledge that I am having delusions of grandeur as well as the significant differences in my life versus that of the actual character Grace. I don’t live in a stylish apartment in New York, though. I actually live in a cute town home in a college town. I’m not a designer or as fashionable as Grace (even in her cow skirt) but I think I’m cute. There’s no Karen in this story.
Although my roommate does have several sidepieces which include hetero and not so hetero woman or queer individuals but I’m his main. Bow down bitches. There are several Jacks in the story twirling all over the place…. Any who, my point is that in defining who I am I would have to include the people I love and this includes many who happen to make up the alphabet soup. Having such a diverse group of friends has enhanced my life. I now have a more expansive vocabulary (intersex, cis-gendered, sexual identity, etc.), I have traveled to the lands of the gays (i.e. Boystown, Chicago) and I know how to #read and/or throw #shade.
And this is the part where I had “Will” read what I wrote so far. Then I asked Will, I said, “I’m not sure how I should end this first entry….” Then Will, he says, “Well you could say: This blog will be about my journey over the rainbow....” And I appropriately respond “If a teeny weeny little bird can fly over the rainbow, then why, Oh, why can't I?”

I believe I can fly.

I love you, I love you all.

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